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  • How time flies. i don't have other better words to speak out my feeling. Reply
  • How long the holiday is! I really want to go working. And i worry about that if no work, maybe no income.  Reply
  • Long long long time no see, i nearly forgot i have this blog. It's a nice space for me at one time. And i forgot something happened to me, oh no, how time flies. Reply
  • Long time no see.  Reply
  • Life goes on. Make the sadness and happiness to be a colorful string of beads, but focus on the happiness bead.  Reply
  • Real NameYY
  • GenderFemale
  • Birthday7 - 29
  • Residence广东 深圳
  • Relationshipmarried
  • Blood TypeA
  • QQQQ

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  • Candy.liu published a new blog 4-10 12:57
    My girl
    My elder daughter is 4 years old now. She can talk more and more. She could discuss with you on cartoon or other TV shows. She love cartoon too ...
  • Candy.liu published a new blog 4-7 11:36
    A new life
    A New life. From the day I gave birth to my second child, I have a new living life. At the beginning, it’s full of difficulties and challenge ...
  • Candy.liu published a new blog 12-25 12:06
    My dream for 2016
    I hope my family and friends healthy every day, my baby lovely and clever. I hope they live happily. I hope we get together more and more. I ...
  • Candy.liu published a new blog 11-19 18:05
    Baby words
    It's about my little girl. She is getting more and more sensible to make communication, and sometimes what she said is so funny especially she i ...
  • Candy.liu published a new blog 11-5 18:48
    Life often doesn’t go as well as what we want. Each family has its own problems. Someone has good job with high income, but has terrible relation ...
some words. 2017-04-17
Somebody said: To be a warm people, then to warm others, but how. It’s the saying goes like that: May the world treat you in gentle and soft ...
(1042) Views|(0) Replies
My girl 2017-04-10
My elder daughter is 4 years old now. She can talk more and more. She could discuss with you on cartoon or other TV shows. She love cartoon too ...
(1129) Views|(3) Replies
A new life 2017-04-07
A New life. From the day I gave birth to my second child, I have a new living life. At the beginning, it’s full of difficulties and challenge ...
(1193) Views|(5) Replies
My dream for 2016 2015-12-25
I hope my family and friends healthy every day, my baby lovely and clever. I hope they live happily. I hope we get together more and more. I ...
(1376) Views|(6) Replies
Baby words 2015-11-19
It's about my little girl. She is getting more and more sensible to make communication, and sometimes what she said is so funny especially she i ...
(1318) Views|(14) Replies

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RichardZHG 2014-7-23 22:46
Thank you for adding me in your friend list.
Candy_min 2011-6-18 15:10
Hello, Candy! hehe....Come to see you!
littlegrass 2010-9-24 10:02
On this warm occasion, one of the most simple to you my friend: Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! I wonder whether my wishes can reach you. Let me drink a toast for my rriend with my best wishes.
littlegrass 2010-8-15 10:07
Offer our sincerest and profoundest condolences to the victims as the disastrous debris flow and the best regards and expectations to the alive!
daxdug 2010-8-6 08:17
In my workplace,my English name is Candy,and my family name is Liu.
olivia_xu2010 2010-6-12 08:27
You are a sunny girl.
ill_sounz 2010-5-17 10:02
Candy.liu: I have never been to Kunming,exactly,so far i have never left Guangdong .And i am working in Shenzhen City now.

my friends  traveled to Kunming last
Yea Kunming is great so far...I've been here for about 2.5 months. I've heard a lot of interesting things about Shenzhen too. Many of my friends call me 'T'. It's a nickname.
ill_sounz 2010-5-16 16:37
Candy.liu: hello,what's your English name?Are you still in China now?
hey Candy, i actually have no English name...and i'm living in Kunming right now. Have you ever been to Kunming? It's an interesting city.
candle 2009-12-12 10:41
I like sunflowers, and it's my favorite! Nice!
yaoyaocaoxiang 2009-11-26 11:17
lingering 2009-11-4 21:31
Candy.liu: how are you,you are student in Xi'an fanyi University,that's nice.Admire you.
oh,yeah,nice to meet u.thank u.maybe ,haha.
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