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  • Focus~ Reply
  • happy new year ~ I'm looking forward to go home. Miss my family!  Reply
  • Nothing happens by chance or by means of good luck. Reply
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  • Time filies! The summer holiday is coming. But it seems life is not easy. During  the holiday, many things need to be done,  such as project, preparation for the job-hunting season and thesis propo... Reply
  • Real NameGrapeVine
  • GenderFemale
  • Birthday1988 - 6 - 29
  • Birthplace河南 郑州
  • Residence黑龙江 哈尔滨
  • QQQQ

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  • start007 published a new blog 3-21 19:55
    As we all know, easier said than done. In the same way, persistence is much more difficult thing. Last year, I tried to do many things, but it ...
  • start007 published a new blog 5-6 19:59
    Just Feel Sorry
    Today I take an exam while I feel very sorry for my classmate. Here is the thing: as you know, before taking a test, all grapevines about the ...
  • start007 published a new blog 5-5 10:42
    Would you smile at strangers?
    You know, I am a person who don’t like to smile and don’t smile a lot in life. Although we all know that smile denotes pleasure. A kind smil ...
  • start007 published a new blog 4-23 19:44
    Attend an Interview
    This morning, I attend afirm'sinterview andit could be counted as the first formal interview I took. Since in the written part, I didn't do ve ...
persistence 2014-03-21
     As we all know, easier said than done. In the same way, persistence is much more difficult thing. Last year, I tried to do ma ...
(740) Views|(4) Replies
Just Feel Sorry 2013-05-06
     Today I take an exam while I feel very sorry for my classmate. Here is the thing: as you know, before taking a test, a ...
(793) Views|(5) Replies
Would you smile at strangers? 2013-05-05
     You know, I am a person who don’t like to smile and don’t smile a lot in life. Although we all know that smile denot ...
(1096) Views|(17) Replies
Attend an Interview 2013-04-23
      This morning, I attend a firm's interview and it could be counted as the first formal interview I ...
(1129) Views|(4) Replies
Cherish 2013-03-07
    The unexpected things often make us in panic because we haven't prepared for them. Are they really out of expect? Meanwhile& ...
(1119) Views|(6) Replies

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xjlmb 2013-5-11 10:39
Look at  u ,What did u say . Of course we everybody care about u ,even we don't know each other . We aren't utilitarians .  Just lack of speaking to u .
bigcat 2013-3-16 18:58
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