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( 10136 ) Visits

  • Points: 467
  • Points: 458
  • Friends: 52
  • Threads: 5
  • Blogs: 41
  • Albums: 1
  • Sharings: 5
  • I lay my curse on that basturd--Chen. I 'm praying to God to let that man perish; he'll doom! My curse is on him. He'll never escape. Reply
  • She went through a medical operation today at 12:00. She said everything is fine with her. Thank God! Reply
  • i sent her two text messages today, one in the morning when i was on the playground; and the other during this afternoon when lying in bed.  she responded both. i am so happy. God bless her! Reply
  • today is the first day of the 5-day holiday. i organized a parents meeting in the classroom this morning. back noon and drank a tin of TsingTao Beer and felt nice lying in bed but didn't get to sleep Reply
  • went out for dinner with a nice lady yesterday evening Reply
  • Real NameJack Lee
  • GenderMale
  • Birthday1975 - 1 - 6
  • Birthplace山东 潍坊
  • Residence山东 潍坊
  • Relationshipin relations
  • Finding ...learn from each other
  • Blood TypeB
  • QQQQ

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Does the Popular and Highly-Advocated Teaching Model Really Work? 2019-04-03
                       &n ...
(844) Views|(0) Replies
Borrow From Others But Walk Your Own Way 2017-09-21
      When it comes to English teaching, so many teaching theories or methods given, provided or recommended by those ex ...
(797) Views|(0) Replies
I Got Certificate From Bankok Post 2013-10-06
(1103) Views|(3) Replies
On Teachers' Sustainable Development 2013-10-02
 If you're a principal of a certain school, what methods will you take to make your work progess or to bring your school marvelous achievem ...
(1311) Views|(9) Replies
I Opened My Sina Blog And Mini Blog 2013-09-30
Yesterday i applied to open a new email address on, and meanwhile opened a blog called Changle No. 1 Middle School English learning Net boun ...
(1359) Views|(5) Replies

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Rosanna 2019-4-4 09:43
leexiu2006: hi
hello, nice to see you here.
admin 2013-9-4 14:36
leexiu2006: Hello, by the way, what can be regarded as a VISIT to my blog? Here the " visit" only refer to " registered members' visit" ?  I t ...
Good suggestion.  
kinzhang 2013-9-1 07:05
leexiu2006: Will you please tell me how i can contact that American-Ghanian student you mentioned in your minor blog? Thanks!
Plus he is a Ghanian-American because his father is an American and his mother is a Ghanian, he was born in Chicago~~~
kinzhang 2013-9-1 07:02
leexiu2006 : Will you please tell me how i can contact that American-Ghanian student you mentioned in your minor blog? Thanks! Sorry, I'm afraid I could help you anything but that because I actually don't have his phone number, MSN number or QQ number. I just met him in the playground and played basketball with him and other students, and talked with him for quite a while, but sorry to tell you that I didn't have a thought about keeping connection with him. ...
leexiu2006 2013-8-31 22:13
Thanks. Hope we can communicate very soon.
saint1633 2013-8-31 19:21
leexiu2006: Your English is so good. Hope i can be one of your friend. I am a teacher of English working in a high school in Shandong Province. May i know your QQ ...
Thank your admiration .

Recently I have installed Windows 8 on my 64 bit  notebook  PC but  QQ can't work well on it , I will tell you the no. later after I solved the related problems...
leexiu2006 2013-8-31 15:43
Thanks. I am so glad you replied to me so soon. By the way, what business are you doing? I am interested in foreign business too, though I am working as a formal teacher of English in a high school. Are you working in China or in some other country?
sunnyv 2013-8-31 12:35
leexiu2006 : Long time no see you visit my blog, haha. How are you? Do you have a Skype account or QQ number? Hey Hi Leexiu, Yeah, recently busy because of the trading activities, but sometimes quite free too. It would be fun to use QQ but unfortunately QQ does not work on my computer because my computer is English only and QQ need Chinese characters. Anyway, I am trying to make it work on another and see if it is works. Everything so far so good. Have a great time buddy. ... ...
sunnyv 2013-8-31 12:34
leexiu2006 : Long time no see you visit my blog, haha. How are you? Do you have a Skype account or QQ number? Hey Hi Leexiu, Yeah, recently busy because of the trading activities, but sometimes quite free too. It would be fun to use QQ but unfortunately QQ does not work on my computer because my computer is English only and QQ need Chinese characters. Anyway, I am trying to make it work on another and see if it is works. Everything so far so good. Have a great time buddy. ... ...
admin 2013-4-25 13:13
leexiu2006: hope we can together maintain this website and make concerted efforts to see her progress. thanks!
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