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  • There must be some changes in the coming days of the rest holidays, or I will face some difficulties when I go back to the school. I will have to read my books and do some practicing of the writing. Reply
  • Why we have to wait 600 seconds to carry out the next operation. This is weird because there will sometimes be some guys always desiring to talking and blogging.Why not give them a chance to do that? Reply
  • I see three fuckers on the public board! Reply
  • Real NameEukunland
  • GenderFemale
  • Birthday1993 - 10 - 1
  • Birthplace广东 广州
  • Residence北京 朝阳
  • Blood TypeA
  • QQQQ

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To outstrip of authority

I just give up a chance to join the Communist Party of China. 2013-05-03
Just an hour age, I make a decision of give up the chance to become a member of the Communist Party of China. For first of all, the procedure of becom ...
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You are not eligible to be my enemy! 2013-05-01
I rated 4th in the whole grade last semester,  what level are you in? I mean I don't have to pay any attention to somehow their hostile idea abo ...
(1019) Views|(6) Replies

To outstrip of authority

Hey guys, I come back with a laptop 2013-04-28
It had been too complicated to post a blog without a blog as you have a carry a student ID card and go to the school computer room, worring about the ...
(954) Views|(4) Replies

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  • shared a blog(2013-2-22 19:44)
    A girl moving China
    13 - year old He Yue died of brain tumors but she saved three patients by donating her kidneys and liver to them. Her parents didn't acc
    good passage!
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