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  • Real Name马光舜
  • GenderMale
  • Birthday1991 - 11 - 1
  • HoroscopeScorpio
  • Zodiacsheep
  • Birthplace湖北省 荆州市 沙市区
  • Residence湖北省 武汉市
  • Occupationcollege student
  • Blood TypeA

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  • dphpxs published a new blog 11-16 20:56
    Writing and Me
    I have been crawling all the way through loneliness, while by thoughts of giving up I was punctuated every now and then. One after another I tho ...
  • dphpxs published a new blog 11-15 18:09
    The Beauty of a Simple Life
    What is a simple life, beforewe admit its beauty? I used to ask my grandfather his opinion about a simple life, and his answer wasthat even a simpl ...
  • dphpxs published a new blog 11-12 18:59
    Iamnotproficientin the knowledgeabout happiness, but I believe that happiness variesfrom one to another. There is not necessarily the fact thatal ...
  • dphpxs published a new blog 11-5 21:42
    Read More Books
    As far as Iam concerned, it is timefor me to read more books.Once amanis lacking in spirit, empty in mind or numb in emotions, hemust then read more ...
  • dphpxs published a new blog 11-2 21:15
    Why I Want to Write
    I will never want to write before I really dare to. As long as I am reading not a few masterworks of those celebrated writers, Iwill besurelyfrustra ...
Writing and Me 2014-11-16
        I have been crawling all the way through loneliness, while by thoughts of giving up I was punctuated e ...
(1409) Views|(2) Replies
The Beauty of a Simple Life 2014-11-15
       What is a simple life, before we admit its beauty? I used to ask my grandfather his opinion about a simple ...
(1348) Views|(2) Replies
Happiness 2014-11-12
       I am not proficient in the knowledge about happiness, but I believe that happiness v ...
(1190) Views|(2) Replies
Read More Books 2014-11-05
      As far as I am concerned, it is time for me to read more books. Once a man is lacking in spir ...
(1466) Views|(4) Replies
Why I Want to Write 2014-11-02
       I will never want to write before I really dare to. As long as I am reading not a few masterworks of those celeb ...
(1179) Views|(2) Replies

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byxiamo 2014-3-27 15:58
dphpxs: From your message I am definitely sure that you are fundamentally excellent in using English. I am poor in English, and to write my every short essay  ...
Thanks for that, i added you through qq.
byxiamo 2014-3-22 13:07
Hi, i am a senior student of a college in Xinjiang. Just now, i finished my TEM8, and there is no feeling left,but i expect that micrales do happen.  Somehow, i feel ashamed for my poor English leval, i've been learning Enlish for almost 10 years,and i didn't do it well. so weak, and so annoying. I regreted for those days when i didn't know what i have done! I am going to graduate from school this summer,and need to find a job that is related to English except teacher, and now i don' ... ...
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