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  • It has been a loooong time since the last time when I felt extremely happy. 很久很久没有心里开出一朵花的感觉了 Reply
  • If you smile when no one else is around, you really mean it. How many times have you really meant it? Reply
  • I went back home today,some wird feelings attacked me,oh give me breath please,God. Reply
  • Good luck,E.S  Reply
  •   It's sooooo hot Reply
  • Real NameAmanda
  • GenderFemale
  • Birthday1990 - 10 - 3
  • Residence上海市 青浦区
  • OccupationTrading specialist
  • Blood TypeA

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To outstrip of authority

My journey 2013-07-08
     It has turn to summer holiday,this is my third year of university,and it is also a good oppotunity for me to go ou ...
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To outstrip of authority

To outstrip of authority

Fifteen High Happiness Index Countries(From the Internet) 2013-06-05
Fifteen High Happiness Index Countries For a good chance at a happy life, head to Australia, which one again topped the Organization for Economic Coo ...
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dphpxs 2014-3-22 18:42
byxiamo : Hi, i am a senior student of a college in Xinjiang. Just now, i finished my TEM8, and there is no feeling left,but i expect that micrales do happen.   ... From your message I am definitely sure that you are fundamentally excellent in using English. I am poor in English, and to write my every short essay I spend many hours while can't do without a on-line dictionary. My way of learning English is only one word in a nut shell: appreciation. If you want to learn English well ... ...
sunnyv 2013-6-10 13:32
Hi Byxiamo. What happened to your page? I tried to respond to your blog but got the following;

''Because of byxiamo 's privacy settings, you can't view the page''

Have you made some wrong settings? Please check it. Thanks.
如主文 2012-12-25 18:16
byxiamo: Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas too.
Alabama 2012-12-24 16:00
excuse me?How many points should I have when I can start my own blog?
sunnyv 2012-9-24 17:19
byxiamo: Could you please give me a hand?
There is an assignment that my teather leaved to me. Write a new edition of Romeo and Juliet ,you can write it at ran
Wow... that is a heavy time consuming task. I am afraid, I don't have that much time to undertake this task. Sorry for that.
Superboy 2012-9-20 21:53
byxiamo: You are a freshman here,right?
No,i am a junior student ~~!!
如主文 2012-9-5 08:39
byxiamo: We saw your new face,fresh~handsome
oh, really? I'm glad to hear thatI'm just trying to have a friendly apperance.
yaping 2010-11-27 18:20
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