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( 5933 ) Visits

  • I'm always impatient.That's my big disadvantage. Reply
  • There're so many massages I've been ignored before .Sorry for my mistake. Reply
  • Now,the day time is turning's totally dark when I'm going back home. Reply
  • I'm lost for a long time .For I always access to this website from searching it through the Baidu.In a long time ,I can't found it from the Baidu .What's happened about this website ? Reply
  • I'm watching Desperate housewife season four. Reply
  • Real Namemingson
  • GenderMale
  • Birthday1987 - 9 - 11
  • Birthplace浙江 金华
  • Residence浙江 嘉兴
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Who'll be one my partner to practice oral English . 2013-05-28
Here ,I honestly want you to become my English learning partner .We in this relationship can frequently practice English through the internet .Also,w ...
(1039) Views|(5) Replies
Same old . 2012-06-01
 Life is going on as the water under the bridge flowing quietly .So ,I haven't been  here for a long time .nothing's changed.I'm  sa ...
(791) Views|(0) Replies
A wild cat 2012-04-26
 Tomorrow night ,there was a sweet cat coming up at my home while we were having supper .We were strangly looking at the cat ,and the cat stagge ...
(856) Views|(1) Replies
When students are silly . 2012-04-13
I'’ve just readed off a magizine published in England.And it's always offering a lot of funny pics .there's no time for me to writte mo ...
(775) Views|(1) Replies
Your next great presentation from Reader's digest 2012-03-06
Have you ever given a presentation .I think that must be yes .But you might be nervers till now ,and be afraid to give another since one bad ex ...
(830) Views|(0) Replies

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jiewang 2012-3-30 18:11
i can see you everywhere. you are so active.
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