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( 24064 ) Visits

  • I COME BACK  Reply
  • i should change myself for better self,even i dislike change..  Reply
  • live for dream.follow heart Reply
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  • Real NameBowie Wang
  • GenderMale
  • Birthday1991 - 7 - 24
  • Residence江苏省 南京市 江宁区
  • Blood TypeA
  • QQQQ

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  • possible published a new blog 5-28 13:51
    you got any suggestion?
    I got one month for my holiday,you know it is not official holiday recently,almost friends,families are still working and i could not find any guy ...
  • possible published a new blog 3-20 19:45
    Happy Norooz Day
    Norooz is persian new year,could google by key word,then shows you as snapshot. Today is the first day of the new year. Happy new year,follow ...
  • possible published a new blog 11-4 18:59
    Two-child policy adjustment
    These days some dio friends mentioned the new policy, For this issue,I think i have some words based on Two-child policy adjustment. My paren ...
  • possible published a new blog 11-4 09:48
    The Plan for further education abroad
    I got a dream years ago,I am gone make it true in several months. When i was a little kid,I really admire the life that study abroad, They meet di ...
  • possible published a new blog 11-2 14:45
    The life in Iran(Continue)
    Ok,let me continue my blog,talking ahout the life in Iran. I came back from Iran a week ago,Before i came back. It was very tought working ...
Dietary supplement from Iran 2018-06-18
Probably some of dioenglish friends know that I have been working on Iran several years by reading my previous blog,Iran is kinda mysterious land and ...
(923) Views|(0) Replies
you got any suggestion? 2016-05-28
I got one month for my holiday,you know it is not official holiday recently,almost friends,families are still working and i could not find any guy ...
(1352) Views|(7) Replies
Happy Norooz Day 2016-03-20
Norooz is persian new year,could google by key word,then shows you as snapshot. Today is the first day of the new year. Happy new year,follow ...
(1319) Views|(6) Replies
Two-child policy adjustment 2015-11-04
These days some dio friends mentioned the new policy, For this issue,I think i have some words based on Two-child policy adjustment. My paren ...
(1220) Views|(5) Replies
The Plan for further education abroad 2015-11-04
 I got a dream years ago,I am gone make it true in several months. When i was a little kid,I really admire the life that study abroad, They m ...
(1571) Views|(7) Replies

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jeniffer 2019-2-4 17:07
happy new year
ReinaTriendl 2018-6-11 11:33
possible: Working on Oracle seems amazing. How about that feeling.
what the data will bring the feeling to you? here , you will be abstract to the special data
shirleyytt2010 2017-12-12 11:10
hi, dear friend, how are you ? Long time no contact with you.
Nikkii 2014-12-13 18:50
possible: I have  a friend calles Nikki
That's nice:) I like this name
ScarlettSoong 2014-10-28 10:46
possible: umm,you come from chengdu.that is nice bro said the most beautiful girl coms from chengdu and chongqing....
The weather in southwest China is good to our skin, but I can't say they are all beautiful.
Rene 2014-10-26 23:27
possible: nono....a branch company of ZTE
Cool!! I've cast my resume to ZTE and Huawei, but no response
Rene 2014-10-26 21:02
possible: nono...many of my workmate graduated from that uni.
soga. you work in Trend Micro?   
Rene 2014-10-26 16:45
possible: in nanyou university,right?
Yes, you too?
moli 2014-6-12 09:47
possible: moli..continue to post ur blog and share with us...
It is my wish, but I am too busy to write english blogs.
alisa008 2014-2-24 15:49
hi,leave a message~
snowflying 2013-6-24 20:25
i have replied your message.because feel strange here,i think you should receive.
headmaster 2013-3-23 18:51
possible: why not post your blogs?
I'll post it when I am not occupied.
snowflying 2013-3-20 20:01
what are you lol?
2amlittle 2013-3-10 21:53
possible: hahah...we are fellow-townsman..
yeah. I still remember you though we have not contacted with eache other for a long time.
snowflying 2013-1-18 19:32
have a happy winter vacation.
snowflying 2012-11-23 20:59
possible: thanksgiving day....haha,,happy
to me,as my latest blog,i thank for having friends as you.friends are trasure in our life,let's cherish.possible.
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