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  • Real Name庄航程
  • GenderMale
  • Birthday1987 - 10 - 22
  • Birthplace江苏 连云港
  • Residence北京 朝阳
  • Blood TypeO
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sleeplessness 2010-12-11
     after a nearly whole night's sleeplessness last night ,i had not enough energy to finish my work  well this mornin ...
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To outstrip of authority

my first blog 2010-12-02
      hello,my friends,look forward to make friend with you here .and i hope to improve my english ability with you to ...
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leaving 2011-5-26 09:04
庄航程: are you in Jiangsu? which city are you in ?
gys44 2011-1-3 17:53
庄航程: for more than two years..i think your english is very good,wish you take a good result in the ielts exam .and if there is anyting i could help,, .or w
thanks, hope so~~~~you r welcome~~
incidentally, how is your going on at new year's day?
gys44 2010-12-30 19:27
庄航程: 北京东方诚国际钢结构工程有限公司,不过现在在给一个朋友帮忙。你们是设计院吗?
I am preparing ielts exam, so I have a long holiday with permission from my corporation~~~~theoratically, I am also a member of my firm, TAO. How long have you been working?
gys44 2010-12-30 11:43
庄航程: sorry,i forgetted you is an architect...i am in Wangjing .
never mind, u r welcome~~and which firm do you work at~~~~~I am at guomao now~
gys44 2010-12-29 16:09
hi, dude~where are you working now????
sussieliu 2010-12-24 21:29
庄航程: me ,too.haha ...i am in Wangjing ,and u?
sussieliu 2010-12-18 23:01
庄航程: hi..nice to meet you !you also in chaoyang?
i live in Chaoyang~ u?
sussieliu 2010-12-17 22:40
ly.identity 2010-12-1 22:24
庄航程: your smile is very beautiful. haha

Thank you!~
abc80306891 2010-11-30 15:04
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