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  • try to write something, but have nothing to say... Reply
  • Moving forward. Reply
  • The Chinese don't want to press North Korea because they're afraid of losing face.  Right?  Reply
  • I've had a gruelling day. Reply
  • It's not that easy. Reply
  • Real NameJuliana
  • GenderFemale
  • Birthday2 - 18
  • HoroscopeAquarius
  • Birthplace江苏 南京
  • Residence江苏省 南京市
  • OccupationLegal counsel
  • RelationshipMarried
  • Blood Type其它

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  • Xtasy published a new blog 11-26 20:33
    Use this place as a "Tree Hollow"
    At this age, I don't have a friend to confide in as they are busing doing their own stuff and won’t have the time to listen to the trivial things, so ...
  • Xtasy published a new blog 3-13 19:35
    Spring is Here
    Spring has come. It is the first spring since we stepped out of the gloom of the pandemic. I read a short article about scientific reasons why Spr ...
  • Xtasy published a new blog 2-21 19:22
    About Logical Thinking
    I’ll begin this journal with a riddle: “A father and his son get into a car accident. The man dies instantly, and the son gets ...
  • Xtasy published a new blog 2-1 16:47
    Simply Said - A Book
    So the Chinese new year holidays ended and our life is back to normal. It might because the Lantern Festival has not arrived yet, the first week' ...
  • Xtasy published a new blog 12-28 16:49
    What A Long Winter!
    What a long winter! People are suffering from Covid, hard to get medicines and hospital beds. I've recovered from being covid-positive. Those da ...
Use this place as a "Tree Hollow" 2023-11-26
At this age, I don't have a friend to confide in as they are busing doing their own stuff and won’t have the time to listen to the trivial things, so ...
(277) Views|(4) Replies
Spring is Here 2023-03-13
Spring has come. It is the first spring since we stepped out of the gloom of the pandemic. I read a short article about scientific reasons why Spr ...
(392) Views|(2) Replies
About Logical Thinking 2023-02-21
I’ll begin this journal with a riddle: “A father and his son get into a car accident. The man dies instantly, and the son gets ...
(378) Views|(2) Replies
Simply Said - A Book 2023-02-01
So the Chinese new year holidays ended and our life is back to normal. It might because the Lantern Festival has not arrived yet, the first week' ...
(1696) Views|(2) Replies
What A Long Winter! 2022-12-28
What a long winter! People are suffering from Covid, hard to get medicines and hospital beds. I've recovered from being covid-positive. Those da ...
(409) Views|(6) Replies

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davidjuyong 2022-9-30 10:48
hello . how about is your situation now. It is a long time did not received your messages.
monkid 2012-4-23 21:21
Xtasy: Haven't seen you for a while... Where have you been?
Just have a lot of homework to do~
So busy!

How about you?
monkid 2012-4-10 18:07
corapaopao 2012-2-14 10:05
Xtasy: I might know this gentleman on your avatar. He looks familiar. Can you please kindly tell me his name?
Dont know whether i've replied succesfully or not cuz i cant see it. Anyway, this is Dan Stevens from Downton Abbey, known as the occasionally twittering Dandan dragon on twitter. Adorable, huh
corapaopao 2012-2-14 08:12
Xtasy: I might know this gentleman on your avatar. He looks familiar. Can you please kindly tell me his name?
Dan Stevens from Downton Abbey~大表哥嘛
monkid 2012-1-27 18:43
Why don't you write something to share with us? I really think you're good at writing~
2amlittle 2012-1-25 16:45
Xtasy: Another aquarius! Hey, your are my first visitor, nice to meet you!
Nice to meet you too.
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