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  • Birthday1990 - 1 - 1
  • Birthplace江苏 宿迁
  • Residence江苏 苏州
  • Blood TypeA
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  • MLQ published a new blog 7-28 17:05
    The compressor
    Today is my first day to write blog on the net after I started to work .I hope that I canwritesomethingsabout my life and work,I want to ...
Shocking Prison Secret-What Not to Do the First Day in Prison 2018-05-23
First day of prison,they say pick out the biggest , baddest, meanest looking convict in the courtyard, and fuck him up. That way , the other prisoners ...
(488) Views|(0) Replies
The compressor 2013-07-28
Today is my first day to write blog on the net after I started to work .I hope that I can write somethings about my  life and wor ...
(732) Views|(3) Replies
Why don`t wowen understan men ? 2012-09-07
Recently,I often argue with her without any reasons.I don`t want to do so but I just could not controll myselfe in that sutation. Wowen should lea ...
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GO on ! 2012-08-10
I often think so that my effort is the equivalent of my return what I should get .But I was wrong .Your effort is not the equivalent of your return b ...
(763) Views|(1) Replies
Why Not To Do It Now? 2012-05-24
We always have lots of reasons to explain why we do not complete the things that we should have completed.It maybe climate ,party , traffic and so on ...
(698) Views|(0) Replies

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linda@crab 2012-5-4 11:07
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