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  • The catastrophe always befall on the poor for ever!The world is testing the poor! Reply
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My fault make me lost much!!!!! 2010-08-03
Recently,I feel very sad that I cant breath myself.   Maybe I am too young that I can t be responsible for it,or maybe becasuse of my lack ...
(837) Views|(10) Replies
The catastrophe will always befall on the poor,not the rich! 2010-07-28
The catastrophe will always befall on the poor,not the rich!   My friends,how do you think of that?why all the catastrophe will f ...
(633) Views|(3) Replies
Engage in the Foreign Trade 2010-03-11
        From leaving home town alone for shenzhen on,about eleven days has striked me quitely and quickly.Th ...
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Mimosa❤ 2010-11-15 21:26
wow, your photo picture is so illusory
littlegrass 2010-8-15 09:14
Offer our sincerest and profoundest condolences to the victims as the disastrous debris flow and the best regards and expectations to the alive!
melissachensi 2010-8-7 19:13
hello,my new friend, nice to become your friend~~~
catnfish 2010-8-7 19:09
angel216419: friend,how are you?
doing good. Thank you^ ^
Judy14 2010-8-4 14:46
rainecho415 2010-8-4 13:50
angel216419: brother,you pageviewer rate is so high!perferct!
rainecho415 2010-7-27 21:56
angel216419: brother ,why you always in dioenglish star?I am so proud of you!my love
rainecho415 2010-7-24 18:29
Welcome back!
rainecho415 2010-6-1 00:40
angel216419: a beauty,never see
You flattered me!
linda@crab 2010-5-19 14:50
angel216419: lovely girl and nice waiting
rainecho415 2010-5-17 15:22
angel216419: beauty ,make friends with you ,ok?
Of course, hehe!
catnfish 2010-5-17 08:36
angel216419: you must be air hostess
。。。hehe. sorry I am not what you thought I was^^
catnfish 2010-5-17 08:36
angel216419: hi,I am looking for you ,nice girl
looking for me for what?~:p
MrVan 2010-4-28 06:21
angel216419: hi,Van:you are a foreign ,right?so,hahahah,how do you think of china?
China is developing...its a pleasure to watch it happen
MrVan 2010-4-15 16:36
angel216419: hi,Van:you are a foreign ,right?so,hahahah,how do you think of china?
Hey Angel...long time no talk...favorite movie in the last 6 months "A Prophet"
catnfish 2010-4-8 14:59
angel216419: could you tell me your msn ?
Sorry lovely angel~. I don't use MSN. My qq is 124629113.. I'll rarely be online though. Tell me who you are with the friend request there^ ^
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