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  • telephone broken Reply
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  • Chocolate-tea with milk is my forever love in the winter! Reply
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  • I'll take a big cabbage and some sweet potatoes back to home today.I hope busconducter would not be obsessed by them.  Reply
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Squeeze the sponge → I get water 2010-11-27
Today, I was awaken by the harsh glare of the sun at 8 o'clock. It will be a great Saturday for people staying in the house — the wind is  ...
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❉Saturday & Sushi ♥ 2010-11-15
There are more and more blogs talking about the chilly winter. The winter has come a week ago and he couldn't wait to certify his powerful to eve ...
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grilled fish & caught a cold 2010-11-11
Happy single's day everyone! I have said that if the Valentine's Day is a day for lovers then Single's Day can be existed for best frinds ...
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Happy Birthday ! Lily 2010-11-07
I had a very good (full of food) daytime yesterday! Because one of my friends,as my roomates now, became 21 years old adult yesterday. To be honest, ...
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Experience at last weekend 2010-11-02
Last week , I posted my email address and a  brief introducion at a website which help people to find a foreigner so they could ...
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summerhill 2011-8-14 21:47
crystal727 2011-2-1 00:05
Mimosa❤: I like your style~
Your photo made me feel sth like LOMO~
I don't know what is LOMO..orz
O'Bright 2011-1-1 19:05
Happy New year! hehe.
happyanna 2010-12-30 19:13
Mimosa❤: Hi~nice to meet you~
welcome to my space!wish you a nice day!
DariLuber 2010-12-18 15:18
hi bloody queen, i saw someone said that you are her uncle's old are you?! lol haha
zyJ 2010-12-4 21:05
^^AHA~you are my uncle's schoolmate~
aiwosuoze 2010-11-29 15:18
Mimosa❤: Hi~
u look like an outgoing preson~
Thank you !
DariLuber 2010-11-29 14:16
holy cow u are still online......try the second song "wanshou" in the following link:
siyu_0208 2010-11-28 09:36
Mimosa❤: hoho~
nice to meet u~
me too!
DariLuber 2010-11-26 14:18
Mimosa❤: I want to kill myself
calm down bloody queen....why are you always online......dio....could you tell me the proper grammar of "why......."?.....
soso-dainsy 2010-11-25 20:23
nice to meet you...
MichelleQin 2010-11-24 22:20
Mimosa❤: Are you a model?
DariLuber 2010-11-24 21:56
hey hows it going
DariLuber 2010-11-23 17:31
Mimosa❤: but i had never said that to u,so ....
DariLuber 2010-11-23 00:19
haha you say nice to meet you to everyone haha, so nice to meet you~
DariLuber 2010-11-23 00:09
Mimosa❤ : .....I 'm doing my propaganda work maybe its more like promotion than propaganda? im not sure but the word  propaganda makes me feel that you're doing sth related to not sure actually....hows it going? ur work? i just finished a LONG weblog...and again, my Daddy wants me to go to sleep while he's watching movies online....arghhhh...unfair...but i know its healthier to sleep you should go to sleep as sufferi ... ...
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