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  • 31th/July/2018__The last day of July,2018.My teamfriend will leave us who working with us 3 years.Then a new friend will join us,I think,we can have a happy time with eachother. Reply
  • The key for happiness is not to find a perfect person,but find someone and build a perfect relationship with him. Reply
  • It is getting hotter and hotter. Reply
  • Start every day with a smile,and get it over with. Reply
  • Seemingly low starting point, is the way of success. Reply
  • Real Namejinnie
  • GenderFemale
  • Birthday1 - 2
  • HoroscopeCapricorn
  • Birthplace江苏省 连云港市
  • Residence江苏省 苏州市
  • School苏州职业大学
  • EducationJunior College
  • OccupationQE
  • Blood TypeB
  • QQQQ
  • Websitehttp://

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  • jennie_li published a new blog 7-14 12:38
    Monday syndrome
    I always fell headache after weekend days,Monday is a very very long workday,I know others also fell this. People give this phenomenon a name is Mo ...
  • jennie_li published a new blog 7-11 17:57
    To return to the blog
    Today I find I have a year without writing a blog,so long let me surprised.How much I finished the plan what I make for my free time,it is a questio ...
  • jennie_li published a new blog 8-25 20:59
    It is my fault?
    I'm not happy today, my boyfriend about Friday night invite I go out to play on Saturday,on Saturday morning I dress to go out, suddenly he send me i ...
  • jennie_li published a new blog 7-18 14:02
    The Summer holidays
    Today received a good news, the company intends to give us the Summer holidays.I am very happy,and I can go home with my parents.I miss them very much ...
  • jennie_li published a new blog 7-8 21:40
    The hot weather
    Summer is coming.I donnot like this season.The sun is very big,the temperature is very high,38 degrees Celsius temperature at noon. People are like s ...
When is learning possible? 2019-08-13
To inquire and to learn is the function of the mind. By learning I  do not mean the mere cultivation of memory or the accumulation of knowledge,b ...
(702) Views|(0) Replies
Youth 2019-07-17
Youth is not a time of life;it is a state of mind;it is not a matter of rosy cheeks,red lips and supple knees;it is a matter of the will,a quality of ...
(674) Views|(0) Replies
Try and Try Hard 2019-07-16
If you're going to try,go all the way.Otherwise,don't even start. If you're going to try,go all the way.This could mean losing girlfriends,wives,relat ...
(827) Views|(0) Replies
The Great Dictator Speech by Charilr Chaplin 2019-07-04
I'm sorry,but I don't want to be an emperor.That's not my businees.I don't want to rule or conquer anyone. I should like to help everyone,if possible, ...
(867) Views|(0) Replies
Monday syndrome 2014-07-14
I always fell headache after weekend days,Monday is a very very long workday,I know others also fell this. People give this phenomenon a name is Mo ...
(1250) Views|(6) Replies

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