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( 17889 ) Visits

  • To outstrip of authority
  • GenderMale
  • Birthday1990 - 2 - 10
  • Residence安徽 合肥
  • EducationBachelor
  • Blood TypeB
  • Website
  • IntroductionI am very glad to have meet you~!
  • HobbyPlay Basketball

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  • Yusuf uploaded new images 7-5 20:56
    Vigilante del Maule
  • Yusuf uploaded new images 11-26 13:18
The Summer of Love(reading note) 2014-02-24
Throughout the summer of our love we realize our partner is not as perfect as we thought , and we have work on our relationship . Not only is our part ...
(1410) Views|(2) Replies
The Springtime of Love 2014-02-24
Falling in love is like springtime . We feel as thought we will be happy forever . We cannot imagine not loving our partner . It is a time of innocenc ...
(1146) Views|(0) Replies
The Seasons of Love 2014-02-23
A relationship is like a garden . If it is to thrive it must be watered refularly. Special care must be given ,taking into account the seasons as wel ...
(1121) Views|(2) Replies
The Ipod 's History 2013-12-22
The ipod's history goes back to 2000.Seteve Jobs, the CEO of Apple, found that existing digital music players were too large to carry and had abysmal ...
(1261) Views|(1) Replies
Your Best Life Now 2013-12-21
Your Best Life Now has been a steady -sealling book on Amazon .com since 2005. This self-help book parents seven steps to follow to live life to its ...
(1287) Views|(0) Replies

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Flora.Q 2013-11-21 22:02
Soar 2013-9-7 21:08
Yusuf: hi ,come to see you~!
Hi, nice to see you again. How is everything? I hope you are doing well.
loly90 2013-9-6 20:35
Yusuf: hi
loly90 2013-5-9 09:09
Hi, i remember that you want to present a gift to your dear mother to celebrate mother's day, right? You know, sometimes, we choose a gift that mother is not like, so it's wise to greet our mother, and present gift right that she wants and needs. Once, i had bought something i like while my mother dislike, so that's not a good gift for her. So take care and good luck!
loly90 2013-4-3 20:52
Yusuf: hello
Hi, nice to hear from you, how is everything going?
yaping 2011-12-8 10:34
Yusuf 2011-5-5 15:05
ha ha ,i will change it ...
linda@crab 2011-5-5 13:09
hi, hehe,your homepage is so green that i can hardly see words
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