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  • I could almost feel Rosetta Stone cringing as I stumbled over my Arabic pronunciation. I think I'll try that lesson again tomorrow, and do better this time! Reply
  • Avengers, assemble! I'd heard a LOT about this movie, it was a little over-hyped but still good! You should check it out. Reply
  • I feel absurdly pretentious researching Chinese indie music. (by the way-check out 林笛 if you get the chance!) Reply
  • All the movies coming out this summer and which one am I most anticipating? Brave. (coming out in the US June 22!) Reply
  • Question: do 不管 and 不论 pretty much mean the same thing and could you use them in example sentences for me? Reply
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Leaving DioEnglish 2012-10-28
Hello one and all. Unfortunately I have decided I am going to leave the site. I don't post updates nearly frequently enough and I only come on here to ...
(1003) Views|(6) Replies
Creative Writing, Round 2 2012-08-13
For today's exercise I chose #3 off of the list at . It said to use a dictionary but instead I went to a website that lists ...
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Creative Writing Exercise 2012-08-12
Because I want to make myself a better writer. Additionally, some of my friends and I are doing creative exercises along with reading interpretations ...
(1061) Views|(3) Replies
Website posted: Sichuan Opera (川剧) 2012-07-07
I'll keep this short. My website is up! I know I said I would do it over Sichuan culture but I got lazy so it's only on the opera. (sorry guys no 四 ...
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Summa time 2012-07-02
We're just going to ignore how long it's been since I've been here and jump right into the good stuff. Everyone agreed? Motion passed. Hokay. Sooo r ...
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possible 2012-4-29 20:48
i met a foreign teacher from USA in was raining but she didn't carry i camo to her and told her that i'd like to share my umbrella.but she refused.she said she liked such weather and didn't puzzled me.ha
yaping 2012-4-19 22:03
I like Sichuan!
possible 2012-3-30 22:56
starrhia: Yep, I wanted a change! In the new picture I'm trying to make the same face as the turtle.
a nice thought~
possible 2012-3-30 13:22
you update your avatar?..but i think the former is better than now one~
possible 2012-3-15 13:37
by the way,thanks for your kind suggestion
possible 2012-3-15 13:37
hi,friend,nice to meet you here.and warmly welcome to china..this is wangbaowei from fuzhou fujian,and i am also a student studying at FuZhou Universtity.i am  curious that how long have you in china.can you  speak Chinese???
qinqinjennifer 2011-12-30 15:59
Happy New Year to you & your family.
qinqinjennifer 2011-11-21 12:46
Happy Birthday to you!
O'Bright 2011-10-17 08:02
nice to meet you~~
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