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  • Real NamePuya Raimo
  • GenderFemale
  • Birthday1978 -
  • Residence山东 青岛
  • Blood TypeO

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Will Is Dead!!! 2014-04-07
Have you ever watched the TV play The Good Wife ?   If the answer is yes, then you will know who Will is. He is the leading actor of that pla ...
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There Is always something Unexpected Coming up in our Life 2014-02-24
Half a year ago, I had a very free life every day, go to the office at 9 and pick up my little girl from the preschool at 4. We could do whatever we ...
(1664) Views|(2) Replies
Just Take it Easy 2012-09-12
This morning, I checked the receipt of a package over the phone call to a logistics company, only to find that the woman on the other side was so ru ...
(1103) Views|(9) Replies
Finally, I Stepped Forward 2012-08-24
Finally, I stepped forward.   I had been hesitating for so long a time, to get a full-time job or to have another baby. Then, I foun ...
(979) Views|(4) Replies
Have You Ever Fathomed Him/Her? 2012-06-07
I have recently strongly sensed that, I have been living a life with a man who I actually do not understand, even though I am so familiar with his a ...
(1255) Views|(22) Replies

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PuyaRaimondii 2011-10-26 14:48
One of my best friends is leaving for another city afar. There is so much uncertainties in our life.
异物 2011-10-25 21:09
PuyaRaimondii: The name of your school is so insteresting.
That's because I am.
PuyaRaimondii 2011-10-25 20:45
What a wonderful day!
异物 2011-10-21 12:10
PuyaRaimondii: Hi, BTW, where is your previous school located?
Chongqing, China.
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