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  • Be hopeful . Reply
  • Calm down .Everything gonna be fine! Reply
  • Love myself first ,then i can love the person around me. Reply
  • I find, doing some housework is not that annoying. To some extent , after finishing ,i can have a sense of achievement and help me focus on other stuff. Really not bad , overthrowed my old opinion. Reply
  • Be alone , yet not feeling lonely at all. Reply
  • GenderFemale
  • Birthday6 - 16
  • Blood TypeA

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A talk to sorrow 2012-07-06
    Once again , I slip into your trap. Fortunately , I get out of it the next second.       All of a sudden , you come ...
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Dragon Boat Festival 2012-06-23
    I didn't remember where did i spend the festival last year . Life piled up with so much things . This year , i spend it with my honey ...
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C---E Translation (4) 2012-06-20
     两只青蛙一起住在一片沼泽地。但是,在一个炎热的夏天,沼泽地干涸了。他们只有离开了那里去寻找另一个地方居住,因为青蛙喜欢潮湿的 ...
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C---E Translation (3) 2012-06-16
  当早晨醒来看到日出的时候,我们散步感受清风的时候,我们远眺群山、眺望壮阔大海的时候,当我们观察到一年四季更迭中地球更换新衣的时候,当我们仰 ...
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The place we are living 2012-06-15
     Let me stretch it briefly, then i am sure you can imagine what it is all like with your  fantasy . &n ...
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WangZhengyan 2012-7-7 20:47
Ebymas: You are  in senior high school ? I have to say your thought are very mature and your English is very good. Nice to meet you ,girl.
Yeah, I'm in grade ten this year~And nice to meet you too
jeniffer 2012-7-6 12:41
Ebymas: The second I find the image , I know it is the one I want .
The color and the smile present a positive goodness.
yes,and it is very cute...
jeniffer 2012-7-4 14:03
your image let me think of a kind of candy,and it is the very sweety one.
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