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  • Don't lose trust on me. i am working on it. Reply
  • i haven't been there for a long time! i'm back! Reply
  • i haven't been there for a long time, i just wanna say:" i am back!" Reply
  • Everything happens for a reason and it all works out in the end. Reply
  • i'll never be lost any longer...i found my way(actually, i got back my password...that's awkward)... Reply
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Bunny 2012-06-05
Bunny, you just asked me something about my ex, i am sooooo worried you couldn't treat me like before any more. we have been together for ...
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what's your answer? 2011-11-02
I ’ ve read several books for this couple of months, most of them were related to religion and love/relationships/marriage, and a couple of ...
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something about grammer 2011-09-29
one of my friends asked me do the content of those grammer books change all the time? or they are like permanent things and never got changed? i am ...
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how to find the appropriate english books for you 2011-09-06
the reason why i want to share this article to you guys is this is a problem for every english learner.   for me, i used to buy a lot o ...
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classmates reunions 2011-05-07
classmates reunions, it has always been an event that we enjoyed more than we thought we would. the opportunity to share memories of a lifetime ago, ...
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winner 2012-6-3 00:41
come to see you again
xuguanglin 2012-2-23 15:24
long time no see.
sebasatian 2012-1-18 16:24
Is that gal you ?
possible 2011-12-30 15:02
hi~happy new year~
smile22 2011-12-29 15:25
Hello, I am willing to become friends with you, nice to meet you.
shoney 2011-11-14 12:47
hi, prety girl, nice to meet you
Geoff 2011-10-7 22:17
Juggernaut 2011-9-30 17:16
Fancy meeting u !
Geoff 2011-9-23 15:56
What a beautiful!,Nice to meet you.
Jessfon 2011-6-2 23:09
zolin 2011-5-23 23:56
glambert: hi, it's my pleasure to see you here too~wish you a nice day~
U re such a beautiful girl and i'm lucky to become ur friend.
zolin 2011-5-23 23:53
glambert: hi, it's my pleasure to see you here too~wish you a nice day~
U re such a beautiful girl and i'm lucky to be ur friend.
zolin 2011-5-21 00:36
hi so nice to see U here
JMZ 2011-5-13 11:27
glambert: nice~looking forward to meet you on QQ soon~wish you a nice day~
ok!nice girl.
JMZ 2011-5-13 09:26
glambert: nice to meet you too~i am claire, how about your english name? you can add my QQ number to your friends list if you want, i'm looking forward to that[
we have became good friend.
Frodo 2011-5-12 22:47
glambert: are you a glambert too yourself? it's sooo nice to meet you girl~it's such my honor!!!
no .i am a man
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