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  • people wilii change so am i Reply
  • How I miss Yaping! Reply
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  • Real Namexiaoquan
  • GenderFemale
  • Birthday2 - 7
  • Residence吉林省 长春市
  • Blood TypeA
  • QQQQ

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That guy broke my heart for now,what should I do 2015-05-06
      I don't know what to say,but I demand  to write sth.I became a postgraduate.I have a new life,I have new friends,I also h ...
(973) Views|(10) Replies
Reality VS Dream (1) 2012-03-27
  Upsetting parallels are now available in nearly all walks of life,and one of I face that is a problem may as a convincing example.I'm n ...
(1033) Views|(5) Replies
In my deeply scream 2011-12-05
   Upsetting parallels are now available in recently of my life.I really want to comprehend that why human must need to grow up?I hat ...
(1053) Views|(2) Replies
Pay Attention to Soldiers!!!!Guys! 2011-06-12
  W ith the development of society and economy,our quality life is becoming more and more convenient resently.There is no denying that wonderful ...
(1715) Views|(21) Replies
How to find true love?! 2011-06-05
  There is no denying that eveybody intend to find a lover as perfect as possible.But how can I find it.I guess most people puzzle about t ...
(2373) Views|(21) Replies

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yaping 2013-2-2 09:00
yaping 2013-1-30 21:21
O'Bright 2012-9-23 23:04
xueer 2012-4-6 15:37
xiaoquan: glad to meet you
,how did you spend your holiday?
caomingcsdn 2012-1-16 21:05
xiaoquan: U can guess
caomingcsdn 2012-1-10 16:23
xiaoquan: hello,long time no see
I am busy recently,hoo, Do you miss me?
O'Bright 2012-1-3 12:49
Happy New Yeah~~beat wishes to you~~
possible 2011-12-30 15:28
xiaoquan ..hi.long time no see...happy new year
caomingcsdn 2011-12-25 17:08
Merry Xmas! xiaoquan little
O'Bright 2011-12-6 21:48
xiaoquan: long time haven't see you .miss you darling.
Me too~~
Just got a little busy recently, what's going on your recent?
caomingcsdn 2011-11-21 17:46
xiaoquan: What a humourous picture.hello!
a wicked avatar.
O'Bright 2011-11-1 21:26
xiaoquan: I am darling
O'Bright 2011-10-17 08:08
XiaoQuan, when do you come back? miss you much~~hehe~~
snowflying 2011-10-6 20:56
how about your recent days?my dear,wish everything goes well.
yaping 2011-9-16 10:18
Honey good good study~ hehes
yaping 2011-9-8 19:04
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