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( 6700 ) Visits

  • What we've lost are not just the buildings, but also our memories! Reply
  • We will overcome!!! Reply
  • ''I left my entire family, got the cheapest apartment I could find, and ate shit until somebody would listen''--Lady Gaga Reply
  • Don't get obsessed with me, I'm just a legend! Reply
  • Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving. ~ Albert Einstein Reply
  • Real NameCharlie
  • GenderMale
  • Birthday1983 - 12 - 19
  • Blood TypeAB

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A new car 2012-05-10
Last month, we bought a brand new car. It was made by the GM-Shanghai.We were so exciting as it was our first auto. Nowdays, car is becomin ...
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My family is about to get a new member! 2012-05-08
Last Sunday the doctor told us that our baby will born in a week! I got nerves and exciting these days. We have bought a lot of infants, includi ...
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Marriage, love and money 2011-05-02
Some of my high school classmates have married in the last couple of years, and many are just going to. Coincidently we will have sever ...
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How to Deal with the Generation Gap? 2010-04-22
Recently I can't help to quarrelling with my father whenever we begin a conversation. I don't know why. Every time after the quarrel, bo ...
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The road near my new apartment was just reconstructed one year ago, paved with pitch. It was an enjoyable experience for me to ride my ...
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littlegrass 2010-8-3 17:00
Happy Men's Day!
JOJO201 2010-3-29 21:37
kezaer: Nice to meet you too, yes, kezaer is all right. May you succeed in job hunting.A za a za fighting!
It is a big surprise to me,maybe you are right,haha~~
JOJO201 2010-3-29 21:13
hi Kezaer,is this call right?Nice to meet you in here
Jimbo 2010-3-1 12:05
Ohhhhh nooooo! Bob Dylan canceled his concerts in Beijing, Shanghai, and Hong Kong!

I'm so very sad!!!!!
Jimbo 2010-1-28 08:50
kezaer: O, it is really neat! Jimbo, Your dream will come true soon. I wish I could see his live performance at that time.
Come to Beijing and see him!
Jimbo 2010-1-27 22:38
Dude! Bob Dylan might be playing in Beijing on April 4th!!!!!!!!
Jimbo 2010-1-24 22:28
kezaer : I've listened the song "Fovever young" several times tonight.  And I 'm profoundly moved.It's so sad and so beatuiful. Hope you meet him alo Forever young is very sad and beautiful at the same time. His music reaches many different aged people. At the concert, I was maybe 22 but most of his fans were at least 50 years old. His music touches so many different generations. Ya, if he played in Beijing, I could die happy. I would love to see him one more time before he ... ...
Jimbo 2010-1-24 13:11
kezaer: Thank you for your comments. I love it too.
Have you ever encounted him in your hometown? I know few about him. I happened to come across this unique
I have never met him in person but I always hoped. He doesn't live there now and doesn't come back to visit. I did get to see him live in concert. It was most excellent and made me cry when he sang, 'Forever young.'

My favorite album is, 'Highway 61 Revisited'
Jimbo 2010-1-22 00:44
I love you avatar! Bob Dylan is from my hometown!
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