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be positive to face the fact 2024-08-25
  It can ’t be avoid facing the option arranged because of the aspiration of governer . After breakfast from dining hall this morning , I f ...
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I come back again to the website 2024-08-24
When the question comes to you that which occupation would you like to devote the lifelong time , what will be your answer ?  Is there really ...
(1392) Views|(0) Replies
A surprise 2023-03-24
  It has been long time that  I didn't come here to leave my track .   however, there are still a few of friends appeared sometim ...
(521) Views|(0) Replies
wish 2023-02-25
       I sent a application to get a position to other countries as a volunteer to teach Chinese .  actually I am weak of the ...
(517) Views|(0) Replies
Is there something wrong with the homepage ? 2022-03-27
      It is so terrible when I came into this homepage, which didn't appeared normally as usual.        I fou ...
(721) Views|(0) Replies

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sedgehead 2019-11-19 06:59
sys: why not no messges recently ?   do hope can get the latest news and the regular routine
I've just been busy elsewhere including in China.  I'm starting to use this website again though!
sedgehead 2018-12-6 13:02
sys : After finishing the busy tasks I suddenly be in consious that Sedgehead  perhaps has left some message or sent a  new blog . However, when I come to t ... I have WeChat now, but I tend to avoid using it and prefer QQ.  However, even on QQ I am hard to catch because many people want to chat with.  I have probably talked with 6000 (yes thousand) people on QQ in the last ten years.  6000/10 = 600 per year.  That means I probably ... ...
sedgehead 2018-11-12 10:11
sys: it is a pity that I didn't get the new blog when I visited your homepage . Are you very busy now ?
I've not been on Dioenglish for many months, but visited yesterday and posted a new blog.
sweetolive 2018-4-11 21:04
sys: have you quit your last job and select a new one ?
how brave you are
not sure whether you received my message or not.
sweetolive 2018-4-11 17:30
sys: have you quit your last job and select a new one ?
how brave you are
Yes, I quite a secure job in a state-run company in China 20 years ago, then did a lot of jobs in many Australian companies, and it's getting better, so never be afraid of losing one.
sweetolive 2018-4-11 17:28
sys: have you quit your last job and select a new one ?
how brave you are
I quit a secure job in a state-run company in China 20 years ago, then I worked in a lot of companies in Australia. it's getting better, so never be afraid of losing a job
snowflying 2014-10-19 21:08
sys: it is a long time you did't appear . are you busy ?
thanks,my new friend.sometimes it's not because of our business,but because of our lazy brain,hehe
sunnyv 2014-7-4 20:41
sys : I am looking forward your new blog .  just like to share your idea . and Ihave question to you all the people in Hongkong speak English everyday ?  n ... Hi. Nice to hear from you. That is an interesting question. You would be surprised to know that only about 30% of the people in Hong Kong can speak English fluently. They mostly speak Cantonese. The reason for the low level in English is because in the past, the schools in HK did not teach English seriously and ... ...
kelly513 2014-7-3 15:57
sys: should I ask a question ? which city do you llive in ? and which kind of your products ?
which country do your products be popular for ?
I live in Hangzhou , and the products we export is upholstery fabrics, and our main market is USA.
sys 2014-7-2 10:51
Hi , my dears , wellcome to visit my homepage and leave some words to me , the suggestion , or modify my mistakes on the words or grammar . I appreciate much . I am a learner on English language
I am trying my best to catch up with you on writing , your attention will be good help for my improve . Thanks in advance !
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