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  • Keep a happy moode for the coming days      Reply
  • wish what come is what I expect in the folllowing 4days    Reply
  • It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all – in which case, you fail by default. Reply
  • As if what I really need is a boyfriend who is beside me``  Reply
  • New week,new start,be myself,make the change```` Reply
  • Real NameIvy He
  • GenderFemale
  • Birthday1987 - 11 - 29
  • Birthplace四川 南充
  • Residence四川省 成都市
  • Blood TypeB
  • QQQQ

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Cherish 2013-04-07
Today I am less busy than before,as if it is a little bit hard for me to enjoy the kind of situation.So I was trying to looking for something meaning ...
(1441) Views|(1) Replies
Writing at the end of Aug and the begining of Sep 2011-08-31
       Around 9:00 am in the morning,,after entering into the office,I had a strong desire to write something h ...
(2197) Views|(11) Replies
how much progress we need to make everyday ? 2011-06-22
How time flies!I have entered into the real society for nearly 3 years since 2008 I graduated from university ,as if hard to imagine what have happe ...
(2107) Views|(17) Replies
record sth rather than practice English 2011-03-18
 I have been joined in the DioEnglish for nearly one year, as long as I have spare time,I will creep into  the wonderful place to read othe ...
(1409) Views|(11) Replies

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jpliu 2012-6-6 17:21
784Ivy: Haha, in my humble opinion, I registered earlier than you, so I often visit some frineds here and get feedback as well. Meaning while you are more act
2230:19 and 2288:27 seems not in proportion
jpliu 2012-5-30 15:33
why do you have 2230 visits with only 19 points whereas my  56 points net me only 551 visits.  Sth must be wrong.
peterfoo 2012-4-19 22:38
love to see you
Alex1 2012-3-7 15:53
smile22 2011-12-29 16:16
woody1999 2011-11-17 16:52
Come on,the Avater is Xiaolu Li,right?
Ten-bears 2011-9-12 07:13
so beautiful!
Ten-bears 2011-9-12 07:12
Hey!girl! Is the avatar yourself?
moli 2011-8-15 14:29
784Ivy: As if you are changing your Avater everyday,right?
I often update my avatar just for a change.
zolin 2011-6-7 07:14
huangshulin 2011-5-14 13:40
Hello,can I be your friend?
cool 2011-4-14 14:13
Hello,you look like Shaohan Zhang!
csqzj4 2011-4-7 10:10
very happy to become your seems that your home is very can write something to colorful your personal web.
admin 2011-3-25 17:20
784Ivy: hello,how re you?haha
Busy, but not bad.
Jessfon 2011-1-8 23:15
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