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  • Real NameBruce
  • GenderMale
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  • Birthplace北京 海淀
  • Residence海外 加拿大
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Gung Hey Fat Choy! 2012-01-23
Gung Hey Fat Choy! Jan. 23 ushers in the Year of the Water Dragon Happy New Year! Or, as the Chinese community says, Gung Hey Fat Choy – wishing ...
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Happy Holidays!!! 2011-12-22
There is no time more fitting to say Thank You and to wish you a Happy Holiday Season and a New Year of health, happiness and prosperity. Best wish ...
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A joke -- Chinese Torture 2011-09-23
About this joke. One day our manager told us this joke at the beginning of a team meeting. I could not believe that th ...
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Celebrate Canada Day On July 1 2011-07-01
Canada day is the national day of Canada, a federal statutory holiday celebrating the anniversary of the July 1, 1867, enactment of the British North ...
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歌词翻译(转贴) 2011-05-30
《矜持》                        & ...
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MRyang 2012-9-14 11:21
long time no see you..
kfmouse 2011-11-10 21:43
Where did you go?  sounds like you had been somewhere for a long time.
snowflying 2011-11-9 21:34
Is hebei university of economics and business in 石家庄? are you answer to me? the answer is "yes". you comment yourself , so i can't receive any message at all till my back now.
kfmouse 2011-11-7 09:22
I was waiting for you while you were on the trip to Tibet.
cabin 2011-11-6 22:12
kfmouse: Not see u  here for a long time. I have been waiting for me
haha, you are waiting for you?
there are how many real you in your body?
kfmouse 2011-11-3 10:31
Is hebei university of economics and business in 石家庄?
snowflying 2011-11-2 20:58
kfmouse: I am very well. Thank you for asking.
Haven't heard from you for a while?
How's everything
i'm fine too,thankful for your greeting. take care of yourself, because the north globe always cold,hhe...
snowflying 2011-10-24 21:10
how are you?dear friend?
cabin 2011-10-23 09:31
happy to see you are still here
O'Bright 2011-10-17 12:22
kfmouse: Me 2, How's your weekend ?!
It's ok, nothing special.
O'Bright 2011-10-17 08:01
Hi, good to meet you here~~~
snowflying 2011-9-30 16:23
Happy National Day to you! though i know you live abroad.
summerhill 2011-8-19 13:29
Have a nice day.
DESHENG 2011-7-21 10:22
kfmouse: What's up! Man.

I'm Fine
MRyang 2011-7-16 10:07
oh,man...what hell you talking about...cabin...are you a male?~~~~haha
cabin 2011-7-12 21:45
kfmouse: I do not think so.
you think i'm a man??
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