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  • Laura_Lucky published a new blog 5-2 17:37
    Li yang 's free video helping me a lot李阳帮了我个大忙
    I know two years ago . he was accused of domestic violence by his Ameican wife Kim .. but it doesn't change his contribution to English in China .I n ...
  • Laura_Lucky published a new blog 1-23 21:15
    my bigger sister , my angle
    I have a little rough situation with my sister . we have differen personality . love different things . love different clothings . we are so ...
  • Laura_Lucky published a new blog 1-23 20:59
    wiped out ??? or lack of menthods ?
    many people want to improve English quick . often pick lame excuse for avoid writing .. most think they just read could improve a lot . no .no never ...
  • Laura_Lucky published a new blog 7-1 12:01
    job security ..
    getting a good job in these days is not easy . but how could we get promotion . or an increase in salary in compay where many conflict happens ... th ...
  • Laura_Lucky published a new blog 4-25 15:22
    are you ready to be a parent ??
    Happy parents ,happy kids . nowdays . hectic work day fill our daily life , if you have no kids . tempery luck . most family will consider having a ba ...
Li yang 's free video helping me a lot李阳帮了我个大忙 2014-05-02
I know two years  ago . he was accused of domestic violence  by his Ameican wife Kim  .. but it doesn't change his contribution to Eng ...
(2104) Views|(5) Replies
my bigger sister , my angle 2014-01-23
   I have a little rough situation with my sister . we have differen personality . love different things . love different clothings ...
(1623) Views|(5) Replies
wiped out ??? or lack of menthods ? 2014-01-23
    many people want to improve English quick . often pick lame excuse for avoid writing .. most think they just read  could impr ...
(1185) Views|(2) Replies
Great day . 2013-11-23
        I am happy , I am back   !   every one here .. how was your days ?? I got a tired but ...
(1115) Views|(0) Replies
job security .. 2013-07-01
getting a good job in these days is not easy . but how could we get promotion . or an increase in salary in compay where many conflict happens ... th ...
(1150) Views|(3) Replies

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  • shared a blog(2012-6-17 02:11)
    C---E Translation (3)
    you are in good mood friend . good luck to you ,best wishes
  • shared a blog(2012-1-5 21:14)
    two pieces of news
    got two things today, one good, one not. the good one is that i am going to visit the place i am looking forward for long time, and the team is led b
    where are you from girl . you are iran ??????//
  • shared a blog(2012-1-3 20:23)
    Iran Issue
    there are many guesses that the most possible war the US will like to carry out is operation against Iran, the reasons are given as follows: fir
    yes . hope world more peace . less war ...

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Laura_Lucky 2012-9-23 22:12
hello ...
MRyang 2012-9-22 22:09
Lolita2017 2012-3-9 20:03
Laura_Lucky: welcome you .. hope you improve in here ..
a haha.......that's an official reply....
Lolita2017 2012-3-9 15:55
i love nemo...hehe~~~
BouneXiao 2011-12-31 23:45
Happy new year! Be cool!
Laura_Lucky 2011-12-25 15:12
how you can see it through???
Soar 2011-12-25 13:32
You have great passion in English . Best wishes !
如主文 2011-12-6 20:54
Laura_Lucky: do you know what 's road roommate meant ? It is from a sports news on www.nytimes
I really don't know. What's the meaning of road roommate?
Tange 2011-11-28 22:26
Laura_Lucky: the blog page of you  is too dark  . we cann't browse clearly !!!
thanks for your advice
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