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  • Last sunday i took an examination of oral interpretation,learning should be lifelong,as for me,there still a long way to go. Reply
  • Real NameHappyPaul
  • GenderMale
  • Birthday1981 - 10 - 1
  • Residence江苏 南京

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some feeling 2012-10-19
Maybe I still not mature, after working for the same company for several years, I feel very boring, so i built up a trade company with partne ...
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The era of micro blog 2011-11-24
The coming of micro blog started a new era of interpersonal communications ,as a new tool of communication,it have influenced people's daily ...
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Food safety 2011-11-21
There is no doubt the food safety problem has captured increasing attention.Although the government has strengthened regulations to e ...
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The effect of globalization 2011-11-17
With the acceleration of globalization,the world is becoming a global villiage.Chinese people are crazy about learning English,eating KFC a ...
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Be your boss or working at a company 2011-11-14
    How to choose the direction of development after graduation?It's a critical issue for most college students.In this competit ...
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