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( 12631 ) Visits

  • There is no shortcut to excellence. Reply
  • So bored Reply
  • Sincerity will definitely touched people, and what one puts out will definitely be repaid. Reply
  • Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment Reply
  • So tired Reply
  • GenderMale
  • Birthday1990 - 8 - 23
  • Birthplace湖南 常德
  • Residence湖南 常德
  • Blood TypeA
  • QQQQ

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My dream: Living in a uninhabited island. 2011-09-16
         Someday, if i could living in an isolated island, there is no other people , only me . I'd like to ...
(1252) Views|(17) Replies
Let's pray for him and find out the truth . Please. 2011-09-15
       This afternoon i heard a shocking new, a promising high school student dead because he finished ...
(1045) Views|(7) Replies
Caused by an IQ test 2011-09-15
         Just now , i did anIQ test , it's a bit funny, when i did the first question, i thought that's not ...
(949) Views|(9) Replies
My " great " father 2011-09-14
         My father a typical gambler , he spent most part of his life's time to gamble. Since i could r ...
(1549) Views|(22) Replies
Thanks my dear roomies 2011-09-13
       I found my daily life fulled of all kinds of inconveniences after i was injured. Don't mention walk, even i int ...
(1208) Views|(10) Replies

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异物 2011-10-27 01:16
I hope you're better now.
O'Bright 2011-10-17 08:15
Geoff 2011-9-23 16:03
after 90 friends
snowflying 2011-9-17 22:28
wish your better soon.
linda@crab 2011-9-16 16:28
麦兜的期待: Hi   shall we make a friend?
sure. hehe! so what are u doing!
linda@crab 2011-9-16 15:45
Hi. buddy
Sheena1208 2011-9-12 13:33
麦兜的期待: Are you a post graduate student?
Yes, I am a new student here.
Sheena1208 2011-9-10 21:59
麦兜的期待: You're right . How about you
I graduated from Xiangnan University in Chenzhou, now I am studying in China University of Geosciences in Wuhan.
Sheena1208 2011-9-10 20:08
WOW, you come from Changde, two roommates of mine also come from Changde. So you are a student in Hunan University of Arts and Science?
Linda1017424004 2011-9-8 10:28
麦兜的期待: Me? I haven't get your invite
Is your QQ online?Add me.My QQ number is 1017424004.
Linda1017424004 2011-9-8 09:41
Why do you refuse to add QQ friend?
麦兜的期待 2011-9-7 17:37
I'm a newcomer too. One day earlier than you. You can write some articles to develop your popularity.
Linda1017424004 2011-9-7 17:13
You have so many vistors?I'm a newcomer.
yaping 2011-9-7 09:43
麦兜的期待: Anyway thanks .Maybe it will makes me more unique ,maybe is a good thing
U bet~
yaping 2011-9-6 20:50
麦兜的期待: I have no idea. I willing to change this name but i don't know how . You know?
Em,  I know~ but  u can't change it ,because no one  but "admin" can change it from the moment you register.
麦兜的期待 2011-9-6 19:59
I have no idea. I willing to change this name but i don't know how . You know?
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