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( 16183 ) Visits

  • My space reduced to desert.  Reply
  • Amazing. I can log in Dio by cellphone. Reply
  • The Twilight Saga...Love them... Reply
  • I am too tired that I can hardly open my eyes, but still too early for sleep. Reply
  • Everytime I eat peaches, I will be hungry soon. Reply
  • Real NameSheena
  • GenderFemale
  • Birthday1989 - 1 - 15
  • Blood TypeA

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A story about a drought duck 2012-02-07
      I feel embarrassed because I have so much to say but I cannot figure out how to begin the writing and even cannot think out a pr ...
(1670) Views|(21) Replies
Busy as a bee 2011-10-23
If I were given a chance to pick out a word to describe my present life, it is certain that I would choose "busy". Having not been occupied with so m ...
(1330) Views|(12) Replies
Somali Pirates 2011-09-03
The other day my roommates and I went to the small shops outside school to buy shoe rack. After we bargained with him for a few minutes, we made a de ...
(1089) Views|(7) Replies
New Term 2011-08-30
The new term began yesterday. I bought a CRH train ticket a few days ago despite people began to be dissappoint of them since it cause ...
(1523) Views|(14) Replies
A Long Story 2011-08-24
The end of summer vacation is imminent, and I will go back to school in a few days. I still remember the summer vacation before I went to college, I ...
(1176) Views|(9) Replies

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rich 2014-3-12 20:37
Sheena1208 : Hi, rich. You are still here. Glad to see your blogs on the home page when I logged in just now. Today I watched the movie <to kill a mocking bird>, w ... Hi, Sheena. Long time no see. So glad to see you again. Thanks for the nice words. I'm flattered, really. To tell the truth, I write less now. You may not know I was very sick 6 months ago. I almost died, so to speak. For nother, I found many of my friends don't come here as often as they used to. They just lost contact as MH ... ...
rich 2014-3-12 20:37
Sheena1208 : Hi, rich. You are still here. Glad to see your blogs on the home page when I logged in just now. Today I watched the movie <to kill a mocking bird>, w ... Hi, Sheena. Long time no see. So glad to see you again. Thanks for the nice words. I'm flattered, really. To tell the truth, I write less now. You may not know I was very sick 6 months ago. I almost died, so to speak. For nother, I found many of my friends don't come here as often as they used to. They just lost contact as MH ... ...
snowflying 2012-5-13 21:11
Sheena1208: Happy Mother's Day.
woo, Sheena, very glad to receive your nice greeting. long time no see here, maybe you are still busy in your study life. take care of yourself, my friend.
rich 2012-1-29 08:56
hi sheena! Happy new year! what's up? busy as a bee? nothing special, just kind of missing you. hehe. anyway, may the year of the dragon bring you health wealth and happiness.
possible 2011-12-30 15:27
hi.Sheena1208..happy new year
possible 2011-12-28 18:38
everything goes well
snowflying 2011-12-12 21:34
everything goes well!
snowflying 2011-9-30 08:09
Happy National Day! wish you enjoy a nice festival.sheena,
binchuan 2011-9-13 23:00
Nice to meet you!
麦兜的期待 2011-9-11 07:52
Sheena1208: I graduated from Xiangnan University in Chenzhou, now I am studying in China University of Geosciences in Wuhan.
Are you a post graduate student?
snowflying 2011-9-10 22:23
happy mid-autumn festival!
麦兜的期待 2011-9-10 20:43
Sheena1208: WOW, you come from Changde, two roommates of mine also come from Changde. So you are a student in Hunan University of Arts and Science?
You're right . How about you
rich 2011-7-31 15:26
busy as a bee? long time no see, hehe. i hope everything is ok with you?
Teddy126 2011-7-15 21:10
Hi, nice to be here, your style of writing is fascinating.
rich 2011-6-13 19:19
Sheena1208: Heihei, I went to Jvzizhoutou yesterday. It was cloudy. The weather was suitable to go outside, and we had a good time there. I passed by the provinci
wow!hope one day i would also have a chance to be there. is it like an island or something? got any pics?
i also went to Mao zhedong's former residence, caoshan, with some of my colleagues. also a nice memory for me. looks like Hunan is a place that breeds great men.
sunnyv 2011-6-2 22:10
Sheena1208: I always thought you were a Chinese or a mix-blood Chinese(I am not sure it is polite to say mix-blood, so just now I said if I have offended you, I a
mixed blood is not offensive, but people refer to mixed guys as "Eurasians" or mixed mixed blood. Haha, you are really so sweet. Your boyfriend is lucky to have you.
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