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( 29321 ) Visits

  • What I want is not simply writing, but writing elegantly and correctly. Reply
  • Write English everyday but hard to imprve my writing skill. Bottlenecks comes. Try to make some breakthroughs. Look for nice on-line writing course. Reply
  • Live in present, learn to be grateful Reply
  • In winter holiday Reply
  • Work hard, keep learning~ Reply
  • Real Namevenus
  • GenderFemale
  • Birthday9 - 14
  • Birthplace上海 徐汇
  • Residence上海 闵行
  • Blood TypeAB

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My first blog in 2012 2012-01-30
Today, when I got up, Dioenglish suddenly jumped into my mind. I have been out of this lovely place for more than 7 months—quite a long time. I ...
(1293) Views|(12) Replies
Back again~ 2011-07-08
I decide to come back to Dio, after four months’ laziness. Time lapses in a moment of doze and it has been half a year since I got my master dip ...
(1170) Views|(2) Replies
How to write in English correctly? 2011-03-09
I am eager to improve my English. And for me, learning English is a life-long process. I’ve talked about English study for several times in Dio ...
(1813) Views|(9) Replies
Too many "I thought" things in life 2011-02-18
There are too any “I thought” things for me. Newly gushed things repeatedly challenged my plans, schedules and so on. Taken my own experience a ...
(1287) Views|(9) Replies
Bad mood... 2010-12-09
Haven’t written any thing in one month and half, possibly because I am in bad mood. Things went not as smoothly as I had expected and the ...
(1278) Views|(13) Replies

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liudan89 2011-12-28 15:18
Nice to meet you
touringchina 2011-8-30 09:21
is that a kitty? it looks so cute
ElizabethSLee 2011-3-26 20:07
hi!welcome to english group QQ146279166
catnfish 2011-3-1 21:23
venus: Improving my English is also an important thing for me. Besides, losing weight is my present target. I am too fat now
haha~~ same with me!:)~ I also need to lose some weight and I hope to eat more nice food at the same time,such a paradox..hahaha:) Life is always full of ambivalent accidents and sentiments!^^Enjoy your days there~~
catnfish 2011-2-23 02:41
venus: Wish u a smooth Master study and happy rabit year. I've just got my Master diploma,hehe...Hope that I can ofen see u on Dio~
Congrats for that lovely! It's a big thing for girls nowadays I truly believe so:) What's your plan in the next following month or so? any big upcoming events?:)
vernalsmile 2011-2-7 20:57
the rabbite is so lovely
O'Bright 2011-1-1 19:11
Happy New year !
monkey5790360 2010-12-26 16:46
venus: Nice to meet u here. Actually there are no short cut to improve English. Keep reading and writing, and u will find the amazing change of your English.
I am really not looking forward you could answer my message so patiently~~that is very king of you .I will try my best to pursue my dream and improve my English~~Wish you good luck and all the best to ur life !
monkey5790360 2010-12-26 10:09
I am sorry I made several spelling and grammar mistakes
monkey5790360 2010-12-26 09:45
I was so impresseed by ur wring skills and those profound thinking.woud
you mind asking u that how u achive this?I was so confused about my ehglish ,it seeems like my english level has been standing in the same standdard for quite a long time and never make a little bit prgress.I am a junior from a university of XI AN.Having read what ur blog and journal I know I have a big space to progess.Ultimately,it is very nice to meet u in this platform.
catnfish 2010-12-16 08:07
venus: Back? Hope to see ur new pic. on Tibet+Nepal
Hey been a while!..~ hmm I'm in Europe now doing my Master which only takes up a year time. :) Have suddenly felt something tonight and came back here, felt even more:)
How have u been?
jeffyang 2010-11-10 03:30
There is a nice greeting conversation video in tudou.
JessicaMing 2010-11-6 17:20
huckabee 2010-10-13 20:19
venus : I really admire your English writing ability and more about your profound thinking. Ur blogs are so long, hehe, good for reading and studying. Besides It is unnecessary for non-professionals to spend time on technical vocabularies, as the task is huge and time-consuming. If you are interested in some special fields or some disorder, just google it  and you will find lots of useful information on your topic. Select the one fitting your purpose for further reading. ...
littlegrass 2010-9-22 23:45
On this warm occasion, one of the most simple to you my friend: Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! I wonder whether my wishes can reach you. Let me drink a toast for my rriend with my best wishes.
bluebird 2010-9-15 17:40
Present you with an overdue birthday cake, my tiger sister!
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