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  • I have beeing trying to enjoy the flavor of growing older. It's really different as difference is, sweet and bitter, happy and unhappy, good and bad....; but all boiled down to be one word" living". ... Reply
  • When you have nothing to lose, you have nothing to fear, so you would do whatever you want, possible and impossible; good and bad; rational and irrational. Reply
  • Without fair, transparent governing policies and the enforcement of the policies, "China Dream" will never come true. Reply
  • Hit the nail on the head, please. Reply
  • When driving back home after work today, I met my Saudi Arabian friend Soldy exercising. After brief greeting, he asked me " From where do you come?" "Office, I answered." "Y Reply
  • Real NameDavid Sun
  • GenderMale
  • Birthday5 - 1
  • Blood TypeAB

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Belated New Year Greeting 2013-01-03
Believe me, all my friends, 2013 is doomed to be a great year, for we all have seen each other through 2012, the so-called Doomsday of the whole wor ...
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The Inconvenient Truth Behind the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands 2012-09-21
  By HAN-YI SHAW Han-yi Shaw Diaoyu Island is recorded under Kavalan, Taiwan in Revised Gazetteer of Fujian Province (1871). I ...
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Our Almighty God 2012-07-02
Every day we are focusing on how to get money, or hot to get more money, so as to let us small potatoes in a society like China to have a shiel ...
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Hew out of Mountain of Despair a Stone of Hope 2012-06-11
Today, I happened to meet one of my friends on QQ. We chatted with each other happily as usual at the first. Suddenly she told me “She is low ...
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Islamic Naming and Addressing 2012-06-09
With the development of economic globalization, we are more likely to work with people from different ethnic and religious groups, cultures, la ...
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Soar 2012-9-29 09:59
Happy Mid-autumn Day!
Richardren 2012-6-3 02:35
Davidsun: Sorry, my friend, I did not notice your warm comments here. Thx lots. wishing you the best of all!
the network here have been quite unstable these days, reply a comment is not easy indeed. i got your reply twice. hehe. Thank you very much for you concern. Taking care and have a good day there!
Richardren 2012-5-30 04:26
just want to be the first one to say something in your space. some kind wishes from a friend of far away: wish u a good health, a fulfilling career,  a true love companion, and a happy life above all
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